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Eight tips for more security in offices

Don't ignore security when planning your business budget. This can end up being more expensive than investing in the right safety equipment from the outset. With these eight tips, you will increase safety in your office.

As an employer, but also as a manager, you are responsible for occupational safety. You are obliged to create working conditions that ensure the health and safety of your employees. Among other things, you should check what dangers exist in your company and take the necessary protective measures.

Use timers - avoid fires

Charging cables that are not unplugged or a coffee machine that is not switched off pose a fire hazard. Installing timers for sockets in an office helps to prevent fires and reduces electricity consumption. Timers switch off the power and are also easy to set up yourself. Also make sure that you occasionally clean chargers and other electrical devices that are connected in your office space.

Fire extinguishers, fire blankets and defibrillators to hand

Make sure that the right equipment is available in your offices. This can save lives in the event of an accident. Make sure that you have one or more working fire extinguishers on the premises. Also that fire blankets and defibrillators are available. Also make sure that your employees know where the equipment is located and how it works. Training, posters on the wall, internal communication through emails or even videos are helpful to ensure this.

Create an evacuation plan for the office

In the event of an evacuation, it is important that both employees and visitors know what to do and how to leave the office premises. Have a clear evacuation plan and clearly visible signs on the walls. These should show where the emergency exits are located. In Switzerland, there are legal requirements for the safety management of companies. The requirements include evacuation and are set out in the fire protection directive BSR 12-15. An evacuation concept helps to safely evacuate and protect people in the event of an emergency.

Taking the right precautions for fire protection

Various laws, regulations and ordinances at federal and cantonal level regulate the requirements for fire protection. Swiss companies and organizations are legally obliged to address this issue. Safety officers, managers and the management are responsible for the topic. Education and training of employees is fundamental. In most cases, cooperation with external experts is necessary. Different requirements and regulations apply to different types of companies. Find out what applies to your sector. Protectas can help you find out if you are not sure.

Opportunity makes thieves - don't make it easy for them

An object swinging in front of a window can be a sitting duck for someone. Don't leave things lying around that make it easy for thieves to break into your premises. Don't park too close to facades or fences. A thief could climb over a car to get into a premises.

Alarm systems and surveillance cameras act as a deterrent

Find the right alarm system for your office. They are available in many different forms and at different prices. Find out what your insurance covers with regard to alarm systems. Alarm systems act as a deterrent to thieves, especially if stickers or signs indicate this. Indoor and outdoor surveillance cameras also increase security and deter burglary and vandalism. You no longer have to worry about what happens in the office when you go home. Camera surveillance can also help you avoid unnecessary costs in the event of false alarms, as you can quickly determine why the alarm was triggered.

Access cards instead of keys and codes

Replace old locks with a new access card system - a worthwhile investment for your office. As the cards can be easily deactivated if lost, you will never have to worry about the risk of losing keys or codes again. A new access system does come at an initial cost, but the more people move around the premises, the greater the risk of keys and codes being lost. In the long term, the system pays for itself.

Regularly reviewing safety measures pays off

Safety measures sometimes seem expensive and complicated to you as a business owner, but it is important to remember how high the price can be if an accident happens - not least if people are injured. A review of safety precautions will pay off in the long run. Every business is different - don't forget to tailor safety solutions to your specific needs. You can also save this list and take a look at it from time to time. Security needs and requirements change over time.

A security partner you can trust

Protectas is a secure partner with extensive knowledge of how best to protect your business with both small and large resources. We also have good experience in supporting companies with security solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. This way we can guarantee that your company receives the best possible protection from us.

Want to know more or need help with risk assessment and security solutions? Contact us and we will give you a call. We will carry out the initial risk assessment free of charge.